Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to Organize Your Homeschool

So you Disney Jump Bounce House homeschool - that is great! Homeschool is wonderful, we have been enjoi it ourselv for a number of year and we love it.

The big question - I have all thi great stuff - where do I put it? How do I organ the papers, and pencil and pen and those littl tini bear and don't even get me start on the books, oh my the books. I have the stuff, now I need to know how to organ it all.

First - take a deep breath and know that you ar not alone, either in your homeschool journei or in your quest to manag the mad and learn how to organize.

The Step to Organiz a.k.a. How to Organiz ar fairli straight forward. Imagin you ar put togeth a puzzle. What do you do first? Well, first you open the box, but I am figur we got past that part. So what do you second? Depend on the kind of person you are, you start by sort the pieces. The piec with the straight edg go into on pile and the piec without the straight edg go back into the bottom of the box. So our first step in learn how to organ is:

HOW TO ORGA NIZE STEP 1 -- SORTING woo hoo, yeah, think trumpet and fanfar -- thi is exciting, we know where to start learn how to organ

A fter you ar done sort your pieces, we move on to step two. I know, I know - I didn't tell you how to sort or what to sort or how to organ anyth yet - that come later in the article. Just hang in there. So what is the next thing that you do when build a puzzle? Do we sort it out and then just walk away? Do we put all the middl piec i.e. piec without the straight edg togeth first? No, first we build a border for our pieces. So step two is:

HOW TO ORGA NIZE STEP 2 -- BUILDING A BORDER more fanfare, sound of cheer

The border is now built, but we ar not done yet. If you left the puzzl with just a border you never get to enjoi the beauti of it. The same goe for learn how to organize. Build a border is great, but now you have to us it. How do you us a border? I am glad that you ask ok, I am glad that I asked, but if you were here I am sure you would have asked. We us a puzzl border to give us inform about the puzzle. The border tell us how big the final product will be. It help us to determin where the interior piec should go and it also let us see a light at the end of the tunnel. I went from puzzl to trains, and soon I will go back again. It' a mix metaphor, but I digress. So step three of how to organ is:


Thi make sens when you ar think about a puzzle, after all you have thi pile of non-straight-edg piec just sit there and waiting. How doe thi work with organizing? Do you recal wai back in how to organ - step on where we were sorting? Those ar our miss pieces, so fill in the piec mean that you ar now put stuff away. Yes, anoth light at the end of the tunnel So that' it we ar done, right? After all, we sort the pieces, we built the border, we fill in the pieces, our puzzl is done. Right? Wrong! Sorry, but there is on more step befor you ar organized. Actually, I am not sorry, but it sound nicer to sai it that wai rather than - tough luck bucko, quit be a whiner. So then what is the last step? Take a minut and think about it - when you ar done with a puzzl what do you do? Do you leav it where you built it? Do you take it all apart so you can do it again anoth time? Do you smear goo on it so that is will becom a work of art for you to hang on the wall? For the purpos of our analog i.e. compar build a puzzl with learn how to organ We ar go to so no, no, yes. No, we don't just leav it where it is - that just add to the clutter. No, we don't take it apart What? Are you crazy? We just did all thi work get organized, for good sake, don't take it apart. Yes, we smear goo on it so it is a work of art. Now, befor you go get actual goo and realli make a mess of thing rememb - thi is an analogy. The goo is basic the stuff that hold the puzzl togeth and keep it look nice. That is what we need - we want our newli organ area to look nice. So the final step is:

HOW TO ORGA NIZE STEP 4 -- THE FINA L STEP - KEEP IT ORGA NIZED I forgot the fanfar for step three so let' just add it in here - fanfare, firework and a laser light show, and a skywrit write out "you just learn the basic step of how to organize".

Now that we have climb the "Step of Organization" aka how to organ together, let' look at an example.

Note: if you have onli short period of time to work on your organ project then still work your wai through the steps, howev organ in small sections. For example, organ the floor first, then organ shelv on at a time , etc.

Step 1 : Sorting

Thi is the hard part, but if you want to learn how to organ and stai organized, it realli is necessary. Let' head off to your homeschool room / area / closet and bring some box with you. Begin by label your box in the follow wai - trash, donat / sell, doesn't belong in thi area - depend on the amount of stuff that you have you mai need multipl boxes. Once you have gone through your initi sort, take the trash away, and move the donat / sell box to anoth place prefer out of your hous . Now we get down to the nitti gritti of learn how to organ - in the next step we will start build our border so that we ar abl to put thing back in an organ way. Keep a box or two around so that ani item you decid you no longer need can be place in the box. If you have a lot of item you no longer need, consid sell them at a local convent or onlin homeschool book site.

If you ar limit on space in your school area, take a look around your home to see if you have storag space anywhere. To keep the number of school item to a minimum you can choos to keep out onli what you will be us immedi within the week, month, semest or year . For the item you ar store organ them on a shelf if possibl or in label boxes. Label your box with the content so when you need to retriev item thei will be easier to find. An idea for how to organ the storag box ar to label them with the approxim year i.e. first grade, middl school, etc , the subject math, scienc and the date of when you put the box into storage. If you find that you have on or more box that you do not us for a while, consid if you need to keep the item in the box, or if you can sell or donat the items.

Step 2 : Build a Border

Sinc I have yet to see two homeschool room that look alik I am go to go over some of the basic of how to organ your homeschool items, from there, you should have a pretti good handl on thing and can continu on. If not, send me an email through our contact us page and let me know your question on how to organ your homeschool or ani other area and I will try to be of some assistance.

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